1. Must be mature(17+) with mic
2. Must have road bike(daemon, hexer, bagger and innovation)
3. Must always wear patch unless told other wise (brown suede jacket is for prospects)
4. Minimum 1 week before eligible for vote to become full patch.
5.Must always follow orders from patch members no questions no talk back. This includes accepting invited to games when you are in game
6. Never hurt or kill another patched member or prospect
7. This can be your only crew unless told other wise.
8. Always ride in back of patched members this includes other MCs we may be riding with
9. Give respect when respect is givin get dirty when disrespected
10. No one rides alone
Patched members
1. Always help a brother in need
2. Put time in to train prospects
3. Listen to higher command
4. Do not use mini guns or explosives unless used upon you
5. Must always wear patch unless told other wise. Ask secretary for proper attire